"Your best defense against tooth loss!"
Phone: (402) 493-9429
Fax: (402) 493-4746
Periodontic Specialist
Dennis M. Anderson DDS, MS
We are in-network with Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Cigna PPO. All other insurance covers at the out-of-network rate for your plan in our office. We are not a Medicaid provider.
3635 N. 129th St.
Omaha, NE 68164
Crown Lengthening
Due to decay, tooth fracture, or trauma, tooth structure may fracture or become weakened. When this happens, the remaining tooth structure to support a crown restoration can be inadequate. Provided there is considerable bone support around the remaining root and a healthy root canal system, the tooth may be able to be retained and restored via a procedure called "crown lengthening".
During this procedure. a slight amount of supporting bone is removed around the tooth which ultimately "lengthens" the tooth structure available above the gum line. The increase in tooth length and form, provides a suitable substructure to retain a final crown restoration.
Not all teeth can be crown lengthened effectively, and sometimes removing bone around the tooth will result in an unesthetic or unmaintainable result. A radiograph and clinical examination is necessary with your doctor to detemine if crown lengthening is the correct therapy.
Pre-op Radiograph
After with temporary (provisional) crowns